UrtheCast: Live 24/7 Streaming HD Video of Earth From Space

Written by Michael Awada on . Posted in Social Media, Technology


The first ever live, HD video of the Earth from space, coming in 2013.

Canadian startup UrtheCast (pronounced EarthCast) intends to fly two separate HD cameras into orbit and build them onto the Russian module of the International Space Station. Here the cameras will rest, nearly 220 miles above the Earth’s surface, and transmit (nearly) live images and video footage for the world to enjoy.

The two cameras are built by the UK’s Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. One will be a medium resolution camera to provide stills of the globe a la Google Earth, and the other will be a high resolution camera to capture detailed video of some of the most populated places on the globe. Undoubtedly the best part of the innovation is that you can control it all.

urthecast-live-earthUrtheCast is enabling the average Joe to rewind, fast-forward and pause parts of the nearly live streaming video. Your favorite clips will also be easily uploadable onto Facebook and Twitter.

Want to know if there’s rain in the forecast? How about finding out if the mountains are getting snow? Just hop on UrtheCast.com and see for yourself!

The company expects to have the dual cameras up and running sometime in the first half of 2013. You’ll then be able to hop on your computer or smart phone and literally see what’s happening in the world. Open source Earth video data will be provided to app developers, opening up the possibility of having the most amazing screensaver in history.

UrtheCast envisions their free service as “a singular vantage point for observing environmental events around the world with recent and relevant video footage of earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, droughts and the effects of environmental change.”

Here’s the vision in the company’s words.

We’ll post a follow-up article as soon as the video goes live.

Source: UrtheCast



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Comments (2)

  • isac


    quando vai começar


  • JavierFGarciaMelchor


    Opino que sera muy util para la humanidad y mas que nada para crear conciensa sobre el cuidado de nuestro planeta ademas de que es maravilloso ver desde el espacio nuestro planeta.


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