SmartCover: Wireless Charging iPad Case
Apple’s stock may be slipping, but they keep churning out innovative, mouth-watering new products.
Apple’s stock may be slipping, but they keep churning out innovative, mouth-watering new products.
Inspired by phototropism, the phenomenon of plants growing toward light sources, bioengineers from the University of California Berkeley have created a hydrogel that can creatively be manipulated by light.
Commander Chris Hadfield, the first Canadian to walk in space, has now become the first man to record a hit music video in space, with his spectacular rendition of David Bowie’s Space Oddity while abord the International Space Station.
It doesn’t matter how you spell it, gray hair is either a badge of honor or the bain of your existence.
For the latter, scientists think they have the answer: a cream that when applied and reacting with sunlight, will change the pigment on your scalp and restore youth back to your cranium.
Using a two ton machine operating at negative 450 degrees fahrenheit, a group of IBMers has constructed a silver screen marvel.
Away for work and wish you could reach out and touch that special someone? Durex hopes to let you do just with their haptic underwear.
World’s First Brain-To-Brain Connection
Researchers at Harvard Medical School in Boston have established a non-invasive, brain-to-brain interface (BBI) that allowed human participants to move a rat’s tail with their thoughts via EEG and focused ultrasound signals.
A kilogram isn’t what it used to be. Literally.
The kilogram is the only base unit still defined by a physical artifact; the international prototype kilogram (IPK).
The problem is, that artifact is always fluctuating its weight.
Though they seem to be making a killing from selling us new screens, Apple apparently has patented a technology that makes your phone indestructible by allowing it to manipulate itself while in midair.