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Predictions for the World of Tomorrow
With hard data and lofty predictions gathered from renowned sources like NASA, MIT and IBM, the BBC has compiled this BBC Future Infographic, outlining some of the most likely and most amazing predictions for the next 150 years.
These 40 projections were made by scientists, journalists, politicians and other influential individuals. Some lead to a utopia, others take us down a dark road to a dystopia. It’s thought-provoking nonetheless.
Ladbrokes, a British betting firm, even gave their odds of each prediction coming true down the line. Enjoy and let us know what you think.
Aerographite: New Lightest Material on Earth
Six times lighter than air, 5,000 times less dense than water, and four times lighter than the previous record holder.
A mesh of carbon nanotubes, the material can carry up to 40,000 times its own weight, is hydrophobic, conductive and can be compressed to one 30th of its original size
Charge Your Phone or Computer in 30 Seconds
“This new technology makes for an energy storage device that stores nearly as much energy as in a battery but which can be recharged in seconds or minutes, We believe that this is truly a breakthrough in energy technology.” -Bor Jang, Nanotek Instruments
Producing Light From Gravity
Over 20% of the world lacks reliable access to electricity. In third world countries, many individuals rely on kerosene to give them sight in the night. There are numerous problems that arise from the use of kersone, including hazardous fume ingestion that causes lung-cancer and infection, fire risk, CO2 emissions, and finally, kerosene is expensive and can devour up to 20% of a households income.
Researchers Jim Reeves and Martin Riddiford believe that their new gadget, the GravityLight, can alleviate all of these problems.
First Bladeless Ceiling Fan
The bladeless fan utilizes the science of laminar flow, translating into an uninterrupted 360° airflow, generating less noise and bringing pure comfort to any room.
The gentle vortex that is created transforms your space, just like a spring breeze. Inspired by Nikola Tesla’s bladeless turbine.
NASA Unveils New Video of Earth at Night
We’ve seen jaw-dropping video of global air-traffic, and we’ve learned about a company providing a 24 hour video feed of Earth from space. Now, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is bringing us gorgeous footage of the Earth like we’ve never seen before, lending a whole new perspective to our planet, and the era in which we live.
Elf: Half Bike, Half Solar Powered Car
The cleanest, most efficient vehicle on the planet?
The Elf by Organic Transit is the ultimate car-bicycle hybrid. It does a tremendous job of filling the gap between walking distance and a long commute. Their Kickstarter campaign began today and you can get your hands on one of the first models in the world.
Amazing Video Of World Air Traffic From Space
Have you ever wondered just how many flights take off everyday?
Here’s an eye-opening, perspective-building video of the world’s air traffic from a satellite in space. The footage takes place during a single 24 hour period. This astounding video shows you just how far air transportation has come in the 21st century.
BioConcrete Repairs Its Own Cracks
A special bacteria is being used to heal the most common building material in the world.
The fact that concrete is far from a perfect material is common knowledge; if it was anywhere close to perfect, we wouldn’t see so much traffic-halting construction everywhere. Concrete is the best we’ve got for now, so we’ve gotta find a way to make it work.