Cure For Hiccups Discovered By Thirteen Year Old

Written by Michael Awada on . Posted in Business, Science


Charles Osborne is rolling over in his grave.

Thirteen year old Mallory Kievman from Connecticut has invented a remedy for one of the peskiest problems in recorded human history: the hiccup. Her brain child, Hiccupops, is on the fast track towards becoming stocked in first aid kits and hospitals nationwide, thanks to her victory at the Connecticut Invention Convention for kids.

Graphene Makes Ocean Water Drinkable

Written by Michael Awada on . Posted in Science, Technology

graphene filter

Nearly 97% of the Earth’s water is unpotable salt water. With the current expensive and energy guzzling nature of desalination, fresh water is becoming increasingly difficult to come by.

“The scarcity of fresh water resources and the need for additional water supplies is already critical in many arid regions of the world and will be increasingly important in the future.” -U.S. Geological Survey

Scientists at MIT have fine-tuned a computer simulation that would allow graphene, the strongest material currently known to man, to serve as the perfect low-cost, low-energy filter to harvest seawater as a consumable resource.

Breaking: Higgs Boson ‘God Particle’ Found

Written by Michael Awada on . Posted in Science, Technology

god particle found

Even with our incredible scientific and technological advancements, we still don’t understand the composition of 96% of the universe. That’s all about to change.

Years of research, hard work and setbacks have finally paid off; the $10 billion Large Hadron Collider has finally proven it’s worth. An international team of scientists and engineers in Switzerland today announced with 99.99% certainty that a new particle has been discovered, one that could be the missing piece to the standard model of particle physics. It’s the most massive particle known to science, and it’s attributes are consistent with the elusive Higgs Boson ‘God’ Particle.

Male Birth Control Closer Than Ever

Written by Michael Awada on . Posted in Science, Social Media

male contraceptive

Though controversial, birth control is a friend to a huge chunk of the population. This fact has come with much pain to women, as the potential side effects have been many. Emotional fluctuation, liver damage and migraines are just a few of the many discomforts often required when a woman wants to ensure that a baby doesn’t prematurely arrive to the party.

The day where a consistent, affordable and reliable male contraceptive is readily available will be widely welcomed. Women rejoice, it may be coming soon.

Blood Lamp Puts Spin on ‘Burning the Midnight Oil’

Written by Steve Coulter on . Posted in Gadgets, Science

Cost of lighting a bulb could take drastic turn from money to blood

In 1635, an English author named Frances Quarles coined the phrase “burning the midnight oil,” commenting on humanity’s obsession with working too hard; in particular into the wee hours of the night and early morning. Quarles’ fascination stemmed from the fact that people would literally have to use lamps fueled by oil to be able to work at these hours, despite the fact that oil lamps were unable to produce substantial light.

Miracle Fruit Could Change The World

Written by Michael Awada on . Posted in Science, Social Media

The five senses are an amazing gift. It’s impossible to choose a favorite one, as there are some incredibly beautiful things on this Earth that you can see, smell, taste, touch and hear. It’s tough to argue that among the five, taste isn’t near the top. Sweet, sour, spicy: they all massage different points of our palettes in such uniquely great ways.

With every Sour Patch Kid and blueberry pie though, you have your vegetables and medication. Why does the stuff that’s best for you have to taste so bad? Well that might not be the case forever; did you know there’s a miracle berry that can manipulate your taste buds and make even the worst substances in life taste delicious?

Reality TV Show on Mars

Written by Michael Awada on . Posted in Science, Social Media, Technology

Real World New York opened our eyes to a whole new world of reality. Real World London proved that a realer world existed in Europe. Real World Cancun was the realest of them all. In 2023, things are about to get as real as they’re ever been.

It’s not quite an MTV production, but it will make for must-see TV. A Dutch start-up believes they have a feasible model to colonize our friendly neighbor, Mars. Not only that, but via satellite, we’ll be able to watch Mars TV, chronicling the every move of the first ever Marstronauts.

Breaking the Universal Speed Limit

Written by James Anderssen on . Posted in Science, Technology

As we grow into this coming age, technology is allowing us the ability to feed the thrills of our imagination unlike ever before. Whether it’s watching automobiles rocket around a track at over two hundred miles an hour or observing a plane pierce through the sound barrier, many of us have an innate desire to push body, mind, and technology to their limits.

One such limit that scientists have been trying to crack for decades is the one set forth by one of the most brilliant minds of all time, Albert Einstein. Through his analysis and mathematical configurations, he concluded that the ultimate speed that could ever be attained was that of light traveling through a vacuum (such as the vacuum of space). His theory presented a barrier that through the laws of physics could never be broken…until now.

Live Longer, Look Younger with Telomerase

Written by Michael Awada on . Posted in Science, Social Media


Throughout most of human history, looking young has not been a major problem, mostly because people were dying on average at age 30. Now that the world’s average life expectancy has more than doubled to over 67 years, we’re desperately trying to find new ways to look younger. This point is exemplified by the hundreds of lotions, potions, injections and surgeries designed to help us maintain our youth. Most today are looking for that magic answer to live longer or look like we haven’t been alive that long. That magic remedy we’ve sought may be on the horizon in the form of telomerase gene therapy.