Predictions for the World of Tomorrow

Written by Maria Gomez on . Posted in Science, Social Media, Technology


Courtesy of EWeb4

With hard data and lofty predictions gathered from renowned sources like NASA, MIT and IBM, the BBC has compiled this BBC Future Infographic, outlining some of the most likely and most amazing predictions for the next 150 years.

These 40 projections were made by scientists, journalists, politicians and other influential individuals. Some lead to a utopia, others take us down a dark road to a dystopia. It’s thought-provoking nonetheless.

Ladbrokes, a British betting firm, even gave their odds of each prediction coming true down the line. Enjoy and let us know what you think.

Smart, Water Conserving Shave For Men and Women

Written by Michael Awada on . Posted in Gadgets, Technology


Unless you’ve left Nair on a little too long, shaving is most likely a part of your daily or weekly routine. The problem with most people is that just one shaving session can use between 5-10 gallons of water!

While it’s an afterthought today, that kind of usage shows up on the water bill, and could be a bigger problem in the future.

A designer named Craig Battin sought out to build a water conservation device, and he ended up creating the Bonsai; a bathroom gadget that, with a shot glass full of water, not only gives you a closer shave that’s better for your razor, but it uses approximately 256 times less water!