DVDs That Smell Like Pizza When You Watch ‘Em
Cowabunga dude!
Domino’s Pizza in Brazil worked with PR firm Artplan Sao Paolo and 10 movie rental stores in Rio de Janeiro to create a pretty tasty ad campaign.
DVD’s heat up gradually while they’re played in your DVD player. Using thermal ink, the ad team manipulated DVDs to not only look like a pizza when you were done, but smell like one too.
“Did you enjoy the movie? The next one will be even better with a hot and delicious Domino’s Pizza.” -Domino’s
Though we probably won’t see too many smelly DVDs in the future, overall it ranks as a pretty good publicity stunt and should help keep DVDs from going the way of the VHS a tad longer.
Bringing smell into new age advertising is definitely a trend to watch out for in the years to come.
via AdAge
Tags: dominos brazil, dvd smells like pizza, pizza dvd, pizza movie, thermal ink
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