Posts Tagged ‘crypto-currency’

Bitcoin Central Digital Currency Exchange Approved To Operate As a Bank

Written by Michael Awada on . Posted in Business, Technology


The popular European Bitcoin exchange, Bitcoin Central, has garnered approval from financial regulators to operate as a bank (PSP) under French law, legitimizing the currency in many circles.

This comes not even a month after respected global publishing platform WordPress announced they’d be accepting Bitcoin as a payment for its sites services.

Bitcoin: Global Currency of the Future?

Written by Michael Awada on . Posted in Business, Social Media, Technology


Bitcoin is a form of digital currency that’s dramatically shaking up the way goods and services are exchanged on the global stage.

Bitcoin is an experimental form of global currency that was formed in 2008 by an anonymous cryptographer under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.

Bitcoin is the most unique form of currency in the world; it’s based on a peer-to-peer system with no central authority to issue new money or track individual transactions. Instead, the collective network of Bitcoin traders themselves manage the network.